Course Details

B.A.MS. Five and half (4 & 1/2 year regular + 1 year Internship) year degree course of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) is running in this institution. The college is affiliated to the Uttrakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun. Every year 100 students are admitted for graduation in Ayurveda.

M.D./M.S.(AY) Three year (3 year regular) post graduation degree course of Doctor of Medicine & Master of Surgery. Every year 40 students are admitted for P.G. Course M.D. /M.S.(AY) in 08 different subjects and 05 seats are reserved for each subject as given below-


Samhita evam Siddhant -05


Rasashastra evam Bhaishajaya Kalpana  -05


Dravyaguna -05


Kayachikitsa -05


Shalakya Tantra -05


Shalya Tantra -05


Kriya Sharira -05


Panchkarma -05


The institution is affiliated with Uttarakhand Ayurved University,Harrawala, Dehradun. There are fourteen departments in the college and teaching faculty is appointed as per the rules prescribed by the CCIM and Govt. of India. To conduct the course (B.A.M.S.) & P.G. course (M.D. /M.S.), permission is granted by the AYUSH Department, Government of India with recommendation of Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi and no objection certified from State Government of Uttarakhand.

Course Fee Details

  B.A.M.S. course, Tuition fee is Rs. 2,15,000/- per year.

  M.D./M.S. course Tuition fee is Rs. 3,15,000/- per year.

  Hostel fee (Fooding and Lodging) Is Rs. 72,000/-per year.

The Fee will be paid by D/D in Favour of Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan and Anusandhan Sansthan or deposit in SBI bank account- A/C no. 30932655183 (Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan and Anusandhan Sansthan) and submit bank payinslip/online transfer acknowledgement. Bank Branch SBI Patanjali Yogpeeth, Santersah, IFSC Code is SBIN0012228. Tuition fee and Hostel fee will be deposited at Once in the month of July of every Year. If any Student leaves Hostel in any month of the year, the balance amount will not be returned. If any student leaves the course after admission, he would have to pay the fee for complete duration of the course.